If you’re injured in a snowboarding accident, your first priority is to stay safe and protect yourself. If the victim complains about extreme pain at a certain area you should check for a fracture:
- Ask if the victim heard or felt a bone snap
- Check if the victim is able to move the inflicted body part
- Check for deformities
- Check for swelling
- Check for discoloration of the skin
If the bone is sticking out of the skin then you are dealing with a compound fracture. Compound fractures are very serious injuries that may cause serious bleeding.
- Do not apply too much pressure to stop the bleeding
- Cover the wound with a sterile pad or cloth if available
- Do not push the bone back or try to re-align the fracture. Instead, apply a splint to prevent further injury
- Do not move the victim but wait for professional assistance. Keep the victim warm and comfort him/her
Applying a Splint
- Find a rigid straight object that is longer than the bone and joint that you are going to support. You are going to be using this as the splint.
- Cover any broken skin with a sterile cloth. Pad the splint with softer materials such as cloth.
- Tie the splint to the injured limb using tape or rope. Make sure the splint is tight but not so tight that it cuts off the blood circulation of the victim. Make sure the splint is applied in a way that prevents the limb from further movement or strain.
- If available, place an ice bag over the splinted break area. Do not place it directly on the skin or wound but cover it with a cloth.
It is necessary to be able to assess the condition of a possible injury and what you can do if it happens when you go Snowboarding.
These are some guides that could help you. In case of doubt consult the medical professionals and get help.
Watch this video for more information on how injuries happen while you’re snowboarding: